The virtual CP/Net device is a pseudo-device that never existed in real hardware. It is designed to facilitate running CP/Net in a more-efficient way, partly because transfers are done in-memory and do not require the overhead of transport protocols and other communication overheads.
A separate but related component, HostFileBdos, is essentially a CP/Net server that allows access to a native filesystem on the host computer, and converts CP/M file I/O into native file I/O. HostFileBdos is designed to plug directly into the CP/Net device, but it can also be used to make CP/Net servers for remote machines that could connect over true network structures such as sockets.
The CP/Net device is built in to the virtual H89 if the property "cpnetdevice_clientid" exists, unless the USB+Serial device (or some other CP/Net device) is installed. The device is configured as follows:
cpnetdevice_server00 = HostFileBdos [args...]See HostFileBdos for more information.
Also recognizes "Socket" to connect with remote instances of HostFileBdos (or other CP/Net-compatible servers). For example:
cpnetdevice_server03 = Socket host portSee CP/Net Socket Server for more information.