Virtual Magnolia Microsystems Z89 computer

A pure-Java implementation using a modified Java Z80 simulator from

Current implemented MMS, and modern, peripherals/add-ons:

Current MMS software:

Also available: A GUI util to create Virtual H89 configurations.

There is also a Z80 disassembler at DazzleStar TNG.

Here is an overview of the virtual H89 user-interface.

Here are some examples of setting up the virtual H89.

An H8 variation is available, using the property "model=H8". The default is the PAM-37 ROM with a Front Panel. This model always includes an H19, connected to the console serial port. Disk drives are visible on the H19, as are all simluation functions.

The virtual computer jar, and source code, is available on this download page. Related/supporting files are available on github:, much of which is also applicable to Mark Garlanger's VirtualH89. A great source for Heathkit documentation is the GIT repository

A few of the many sites for Heathkit computing are Norberto Collado's, Les Bird's, and the Google Group email list "sebhc".

Documentation is online here.

Contact: durgadas311@gmail